Rural Technology – ERP Systems VS Rurapp Traceability Application

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Why Food & Beverage Manufacturers Should Avoid Generic ERP Systems and find out more about Rurapp instead? Given the wide variety of food and beverage value chains from various countries and within various legal and QC boundaries it is not possible to have a truly effective farm to market tracability program with a simple push of a button.

Rurapp is an integrated Database / M2M and Communication system that is customized specific to your industry and supplier network. There are many reasons why this is better suited for your efficiency and consumer loyalty than a generic ERP system.

Rurapp is an integrated Database / M2M and Communication system that is customized specific to your industry and supplier network. There are many reasons why this is better suited for your efficiency and consumer loyalty than a generic ERP system.

Rurapp ensures identified value chains can properly coordinate the two important factors of success; chain coordination and chain governance. Rurapp deploys all the technology tools and components to achieve value chain competitiveness.

Rurapp allows for a rapid deployment of client defined farming systems. The intelligent database driven focused supply chain solution called Rurapp enables the tracking of farmer produce all the way through a value adding chain. By providing both manufacturer and consumer verification systems for supply chains brands can eliminate any need for suspicion resulting from wider industry scandals.

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