Food traceability software is changing farming and consuming

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Rurapp Projects provide food traceability collaborative means for better produce and higher safety for consumers and increased productivity and quality for growers.  The result is greater confidence and trust in food consumed. Retrieving data is available live and  available for all Rurapp project participants from the farmer through to the processor, storage facilities and other value chain operators. 

Rurapp intelligent food traceability data provides real time information about not only what country, state and town, but even which field the produce was picked at what time and date. This level of accuracy is necessary and important for not only health & safety but also consumer confidence.

Rurapp Projects  are a business-driven initiative focused on the continuous improvement of food traceability safety and the data systems in place to both regulate and manage each project based on agreed parameters.  The result is food brands that can promise safer, nutritionally richer and fresher food supply.  Each project defines supply chain to a common standard defined by Project members.

Traceability of produce is available for every  individual final package tracking back  to the picker in the field. Rurapp Project Data includes information about farmer, field, picker, time of harvest, variety, even planting date and seed source. This information is known as “seed to fork”.

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