Why is clean food so important

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Are you a food or health brand interested in working with farmers directly to create a wide array of new clean food products supplied using advanced farm to fork traceability reporting technology. The quest to find and support clean food regions world wide is a core Rurapp business function.

The more loving and natural environment they were raised in, the healthier such cuts have been shown to be for human consumption. The world’s food supply has drastically changed in the last few hundred years due to diverse agricultural methods and man-made attempts to tame the land. However, there are still places that the old way of agriculture still exists. Life-promoting food can still be cultivated, and most importantly, it must be obtained from quality sources. Therefore, it is essential that optimally grown food be sought out and Rurapp is a true traceability solution and dynamic trading platform for farmers and partners. The specific purpose of the solution is to connect farmers with technology powered solutions, such as logistics systems and traceability, and then by linking the farmer to existing or new value chains.

Rurapp is designed to assist farmers and value chains anywhere in the world.  Quality food, be sure to obtain it from pure sources and the most isolated farmers in the world can now be linked to new trade opportunities with the rest of the world.

RurApp farmers are actively being located worldwide whom have farm resources that can deliver these in demand criteria;

  • Grown without Pesticides   Fertilizers
  • Grown without Chemicals
  • Grown without Fertilizers
  • Organic,
  • Non-GMO
  • Contains NO Added Growth Hormones,
  • Contains NO Added Antibiotics, or Other Drugs
  • Does Not Contain Artificial Ingredients
  • Does Not Contain Preservatives
  • Grown Sustainably

The reason so many consumers are determined to have traceability in food identification is the growing body of evidence that with the advent of conventional growing methods, soil quality has depreciated, and now most modern, manufactured food can no longer be deemed health-promoting. Consumer awareness of products laden with  preservatives and chemicals, additives is matched with fear from research showing such ingredients have been shown to be inflammatory-causing and toxic to the human body.

“In effect, the world is in a paradox: advanced technologies may be more prevalent than ever before, but the health of its people continues to decline. No longer is it famine or plague contributing to degenerated health, but the treatment and cultivation of food sources essential for the existence of mankind.”

The answer for forward thinking brands is RurApp Projects – Rurapp Inc has launched the technology trade and traceability tools to be used as a Project format to groups of interested farmers and commodity trader and consumer brand buyers worldwide.

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